These days Swagger/OpenAPI is commonly used to document Restful APIs or Lambda Micro-services. A .yaml or .json file containing an OpenAPI definition of the API under development is used for stub creation & documentation among other things.
The same definition file can be used to create an input request validation layer within the service using Atlassian’s swagger-request-validator library
The client consuming the API will send the request & the library will use the OpenAPI definition to validate either the request body or form parameters depending upon the use case. Here, I have provided a Kotlin example to validate a request body with the library.
import com.atlassian.oai.validator.OpenApiInteractionValidator
import com.atlassian.oai.validator.model.SimpleRequest
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
const val mySwaggerSpecFileName = "myservice-swagger.yaml"
object ValidationUtils {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
private val myValidator = OpenApiInteractionValidator.createFor(mySwaggerSpecFileName ).build()
fun swaggerSpecValidate(
path: String,
body: String?,
headers: MutableMap?
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
logger.debug("Validation start time: $startTime")
val request =
if ( headers != null )
headers.forEach { name, value -> request.withHeader(name, value) }
logger.debug("Request headers :$headers")
val validationReport = myValidator.validateRequest(
logger.debug("Duration: ${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}
if (validationReport.hasErrors()) {
validationReport.messages.forEach { logger.debug("Input Validation Error: $it") }
val errorCode = ErrorConstants.InvalidJSONRequest
throw MyServiceException(
listOf(ErrorDetails("Swagger", validationReport.messages.joinToString(), "", ""))
In the above example, The OpenAPI definition can be passed as
- A http url
- A file location on the server using file:// prefix
- A file-name provided the file exists on project classpath & finally
- A string payload in json format.
Please note, a pre-requisite for the library is that “Content-type” header needs to be present in the request else it spits out an empty validation report. A validation report will generally contain all the errors that the Swagger Spec/OpenAPI definition identifies in the request body or query string.
A service response can also be validated in a similar manner.